Copyright ingringement? Next Windows :P
A couple of days ago I was watching this video on Today, I was going home when I noticed a big announcement poster on the side of the road that read "".
"SO WHAT" you might be wondering... well, the words "Next" and "Windows" together, along with Vista's release last week made me want to laugh out loud :P Don't ask me why. I'm probably in the need of some laughter. Those of you that know who steve jobs is might find this funny :P
By the way, I'll be offering a Secure eMail hosting solution that your company MIGHT find useful. Send me an eMail at buanzo **AT** if you're interested.
"SO WHAT" you might be wondering... well, the words "Next" and "Windows" together, along with Vista's release last week made me want to laugh out loud :P Don't ask me why. I'm probably in the need of some laughter. Those of you that know who steve jobs is might find this funny :P
By the way, I'll be offering a Secure eMail hosting solution that your company MIGHT find useful. Send me an eMail at buanzo **AT** if you're interested.
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posted by Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman @ 3:18 PM |
(NEXT) es mi marca registrada para la fabricacion de ventanas (WINDOWS), objeto anterior a la aparicion en este planeta de Mr. Gates. Hacemos Windows y de las BUENAS, tan sencillo como eso.
Lo saluda, Arq. Santiago Nottebohm
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