UPDATE: Version
0.2.0 released.
Hi! mod_auth_openpgp 0.1.0, which is Apache's counterpart for Firefox's Enigform, is an OpenPGP verification module for incoming signed HTTP requests which, along mod_access, lets web administrators implement access authorization for valid, OpenPGP-signed requests.
Quick-Building instructions:
- Edit build.sh to suit your needs/desires.
- Run it: ./build.sh
- Modify your Apache's configuration as needed (see below)
Requires:I'm using gpgme 1.1.2 and libgpg-error 1.0. It also benefits from mod_access, although the X-Auth-OpenPGP header that gets added to signed requests can be checked using PHP, CGI, etc.
Load it into Apache with:
LoadModule auth_openpgp_module modules/mod_auth_openpgp.so
Configuration:Turn it on for specific virtual hosts (or server globally) using the "
OpenPGPEngine on" command and with mod_access directives, for example:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
ServerAdmin root@localhost
DocumentRoot "/var/www/localhost/htdocs"
Options FollowSymlinks
<ifmodule mpm_peruser_module>
ServerEnvironment apache apache
# Turn on the OpenPGP Engine for this VirtualHost
OpenPGPEngine on
# if the X-Auth-OpenPGP header has the "true" value,
# then set the valid_signature env var to be used as
# decisive factor in the Allow sentence of mod_access.
# X-Auth-OpenPGP cannot be spoofed, as it gets resetted
# if the module has been enabled for the vhost.
# In the future, valid signed requests will also
# have a header which tells mod_access the keyid, eMail address
# and fingerprint of each user [TODO for 0.2.0]
SetEnvIf X-Auth-OpenPGP ^true valid_signature
<directory "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/pba">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=valid_signature
And that's it. Go grab Enigform and try it out. Of course, the 'apache' user needs a valid gpg configuration and keyring, or mod_auth_openpgp won't be able to verify signed requests.
Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman
buanzo at buanzo com ar
Labels: English